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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Memorease FAQs page. Here, we aim to provide clarity on common queries to ensure your experience with our platform is seamless and enjoyable.

We charge 10%. We use this to advertise your listing so that you don’t need to, we only get paid when we get you bookings. And not only do we do this, but we also have our own insurance to cover damage of any of your creative equipment when on site.

By booking through our platform we offer you security to protect you from scams and unfair cancellations. We hold onto your hard earned money in our secure bank account until your creative has completed their work for you. This provides you with the relief of knowing that your creative will be there on the day as they wont get paid until the job is finished. If they decide to cancel on you, we will do our best to find you a replacement to take the pressure off you before your big day.

If you cancel, the 10% service fee is non refundable, this is because money is invested into finding you, as a customer, before you even book, so we will need this to cover the advertising fees. For the rest of the booking cost you would need to refer to the individual creatives cancellation policy.

If the creative cancels on you we will try to find you someone else, if we cannot we will refund you the full amount including the 10% fee, as we understand this was not your fault.

Let us match you with a photographer!